(This login is for current students, see below for additional login options)
Log in to OneACCS:
In the “Username” field, enter your student email address, e.g. A#@Alabama.edu.
In the “Password” field, enter your MyGadsdenState portal password.
If you do not know your student number (A#), please email admissions@022aode.com.
If you have forgotten your password, please click here: Reset your password.
In the “User ID” field, enter your student number (A#).
Use this link to access unofficial transcripts and for information about your student status.
If you do not know your student number (A#), please email admissions@022aode.com.
To request your official transcript visit this page.
Log directly into Touchnet for credit card payment.
The OneACCS link cannot be bookmarked. Make sure you are accessing it from this page or MyGadsdenState each time.
Do you have pop-up blockers disabled?
Make sure to logout of OneACCS each time instead of simply closing the window. This helps to prevent any errors from occurring.
If you're a current student having trouble with your password use the password reset link.
Need help registering for classes? Instructions here
If you’re still having trouble, please submit a Help Desk ticket here: Help Desk